In Conversation with Melissa // Quantum Yoga Club
Name: Melissa Smith
Shop: Quantum Yoga Club
Address: #8 – 1701 Douglas (on the backside of the Hudson Building)
Instagram: @quantumyogaclub.com

What is Quantum Yoga Club?
Quantum is primarily a hot yoga studio. We also offer various lineages of yoga, mindful fitness and just recently welcome a registered massage therapist to our gang.
If you had to describe Quantum Yoga Club to someone who hasn’t seen it, how would you describe it?
High-frequency yoga. Our students love to challenge themselves. We also laugh a lot around here … and I’m serious when I say we know almost every student by name at least! It’s a community.

Tell us about your business name, especially “Club.” Any significance?
Well, technically, we inherited the name but I think it’s so appropriate for yogic practice. We combine the macro and micro, from the edges of the universe to the edges of each nucleus within us, we search for connection and deeper understanding. We learn to question what we can’t see but might feel and become more curious about the world.
Can you tell us about your background? How did you and your business partner meet?
I have been in the yoga biz for almost 7 years. Before that, I worked in community support in consulting, support, education, and play therapy. Drinking from an empty cup, I was introduced to the practice. Talk about a game-changer; from that day on I knew this was my path. I’ll talk about my partner, Joy, in the next question.

Have you always wanted to run your own yoga club? How did Quantum Yoga come about?
YES! I’m thrilled to say that my 5-year goal was achieved when we finally signed on the dotted line. The previous owner was quietly reaching out to potential buyers when he was informed about me by a good friend, fellow teacher, and my constant cheerleader in the community. They put Joy and me together. I met Joy when she came to one of my classes very pregnant. We knew nothing of each other before but we make the best team. Where I lack, she picks up the slack and vice versa. She talks me down when I get ahead of myself and we dream huge together.
If you had to describe Quantum Yoga and Club to someone who hasn’t seen it, how would you describe it?
Our studio is gorgeous. This space was a custom build and you can tell by the flow that it was designed with so much love. The experience from the door to the floor is polished. We all love our space and take great care to keep it looking amazing for all of you.

Can you tell us about your classes? Anything new?
We are seeded in the Original Hot Yoga method. This is a hot class featuring 26 postures (asanas) and two breathing (or pranayama.) We also offer Flow (vinyasa,) deep stretching (yin,) and functional strength-based classes like Pilates and Barre. All of our teachers come with incredible resumes of training but also many many hours of practice and teaching under their belts.
What or who inspires you?
I’m inspired by focused and driven people who don’t take life too seriously. It can be hard to find your balance and learning how others do it inspires me to find the method that suits my lifestyle and personality best. Although I work my butt off every day and ensure I keep my personal practice up, I take time to laugh and meet with friends. Connection is key.

What are some of the hardest lessons you’ve had starting your business? How have you overcome them? What are some of your biggest challenges in running your business?
The hardest lessons about having a business were learned prior to this studio’s birth. There have been many heartbreaks along the way, but … there have been just as many dance parties and celebrations. When your business is your baby, you protect it with everything you have, no matter what. This has been a hard one for me. I would love everything to work for everyone all the time and there are times when that puts me at the bottom of the list. I am learning to be more assertive and forthcoming.
What advice would you give to someone wanting to open up a yoga studio? Any helpful tips?
I truly believe that Victoria has a big enough pie that all studios can have a piece. If you want to open a yoga studio, I would suggest that you find your niche. What separates you from the other well-established studios? What is your studio’s vibe and culture going to be? Who are you going to realize this vision with? Although it can seem like a luxurious career — and trust me it’s super sweet — it’s also a lot of work, a ton of admin, and time management. Make sure you have those skills or your partner does. Bonus if you both do!

How has the pandemic affected your business? Can you tell us how you’ve pivoted during this time?
We bought during the pandemic so this is really all we’ve known. Thankfully we had prepared for this and were able to take the blows with grace. Mostly, our hearts hurt for our students who lost their practice space and community. I have referred to a yoga studio as my church for many years and it was hard to lose your place of worship for so many weeks. But we are back and ready to push forward!
Anything else you would like to share?
I really want to thank you so much for having a page like this for people in the community to find out more about each other. Victoria is such a gorgeous and locally aware community. It’s because of initiatives like yours!
Three words to describe how you feel today?
Energized. Inspired. Eager.