Checking In with Khloe, Iain & Talia // Amelia Lee, Shopify & Love Medals
It’s been a crazy few months since we originally chatted with some shop owners — and in that time, they’ve been through the emotional roller coaster of frantic shop closures, hustling online, and slowly reopening with all its rules and challenges. We’re taking a breath to check in with two quick questions to see how they’ve been doing. (Part 2)
Name: Khloe Campbell
Shop: Amelia Lee
Addresses: 113 Uptown Blvd & 554 Yates St, Victoria, BC
Instagram: @amelialeeboutique

Can you update us on how you’re doing?
Despite everything, I feel very grateful to have the stores reopened!
What does fall look like for you? Anything new we can expect to see?
As for fall, business is as usual, but we are keeping things more streamlined and focusing on essentials vs statement pieces. It’s the holiday collections I really cut back on because I do anticipate that the Covid-19 rules will still be in place for quite some time and don’t expect too many people looking for fancy holiday party dresses. At this point, it’s really hard to say what the future holds. I am really just taking it month by month and trying to focus on the positives vs the negative.
View Khloe’s original Q&A here.
Name: Iain Russell
Shop: formerly English Menswear, now at Shopify
Instagram: @iainhere, @shopify

Can you update us on how you’re doing?
I am a solid all right! I moved from my tiny little space into a bigger space in Chinatown. I have spent the last few months sourcing out items for my new home and getting back into my love of photography. If anyone wants to know what I was wearing today, feel free to check it out! Also, as I’m not a business owner and not having that same kind of face to save, I’m going to say it’s really tough right now. We are 7ish months into a fucked-up new reality. Just know that the emotional, physical, and mental pain is real — no one was prepared for this, no one has a handbook for this. We can only do our best. I am so lucky to be working somewhere that has been able to provide a level of stability, and yet, I am still struggling. I can’t imagine how tough it is for sole proprietors. Take care, be kind, and support small business!
What does fall look like for you? Anything new we can expect to see?
I am worried. In a rush to open back up, we found certain levels of complacency while forgetting that our safety is more at threat than we are giving it credit for. I am worried that doors will be closed again as a wave of Covid returns, brought to us by the tourists that we have come to rely on for businesses to operate. Lately my focus has been thinking about business continuity plans. How can we find new ways for merchants to connect to their buyers? How do we form community and relationships digitally during a pandemic? How can we support local business and local sales with the digital tools we have? If any business owners want to chat, I am always willing to provide that sounding board.
View Iain’s original Q&A here.
Name: Talia Tanaka
Shop: Love Medals
Instagram: @lovemedals

Can you update us on how you’re doing?
It was inspiring to see how various businesses and communities came together to support one another, when Covid-19 first affected us here. We know that we are capable of a great deal when we work together. We’ll need to remember this through the fall and winter. Love changes the world. Person by person. Action by action!
What does fall look like for you? Anything new we can expect to see?
I’m delighted to be working on some new pieces to add to the collection, such as bracelets, which many people have been asking for. New ribbon colour selections will be added as well. Love Medals is also getting ready to expand into wholesale and build relationships with retail stores, which is a very exciting endeavour.
View Talia’s original Q&A here.